Like most crafty types, I have entirely too many projects going on at once – here are some recent creations, along with links to patterns and instructions so you can try them out yourself!
The first scarf was my son’s request, the lovely Nyan Cat scarf! I used this pattern from Ravelry and made slight adjustments. This YouTube video was extremely helpful in teaching me how to make the wavy pattern (and I became a big fan of Jayda in general – her tutorials are the easiest to follow that I’ve found yet and she has a really cute, quirky personality). The original Nyan Cat graphic includes a purple stripe in the rainbow, which was not included in the pattern. I added two rows of purple in the correct position, and then had to make the pop tart a big bigger in order to have the end of the rainbow and pop tart at the same size to attach to each other. I made this adjustment just by chaining the short end of the pop tart and holding it against the rainbow to get it to the correct width. Most importantly, my son loved the scarf! 😀 I’ve started to collect
I made the second scarf for our niece! I didn’t use a particular pattern, but instead followed this YouTube video and just kept the scarf in the width and length I needed (she’ll be three and a half-ish when the weather is cool again, so I based my measurement on the height of a four year old so it’ll fit for awhile). The stitch is very easy once you get the hang of it (as is the Nyan Cat wavy pattern), so both projects were great for tucking in my purse and working on when I had a few minutes of downtime here and there or during lunch breaks.
The cross stitched piece is a gift for a little girl who loves cats and cat memes. I went with a classic and altered this pattern found on Etsy. I’m going to pop this in the mail today and I can’t wait for her to get it! 🙂

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