The last few desserts we made over Christmas were not my own creations (though the photos are all my own!), but they came out really well and I still want to share them!
First, these chocolate cherry mice were adorable! They were really easy to make – I wasn’t sure how well the cherries and Hershey kisses would stick to each other, but it worked out really well. Find instructions and ingredients here! 🙂 We use a toothpick to get the eyes just right.
This eggnog cheesecake was a request from my mom. It turned out really well and was our contribution to Christmas Eve dinner. I did add twice as much nutmeg as the recipe called for, and added a dusting on top – it really brought out the eggnog flavor.
We also tried this festive fudge! It was a bit too sweet for me, but still a crowd pleaser and added pretty color to the containers of cookies and other treats we gave away. 🙂 Find the recipe here!

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