We hope you were able to have a festive and spooky Halloween!
We ended up having trick or treaters visit from a distance – we set up a long table at the end of our yard with little bags of treats spaced out, so visitors could take a bag without having to touch shared surfaces. We definitely didn’t have the normal crowds of families trick or treating as on past Halloweens, but it was nice to have some neighbors come by so we could see the little ones’ costumes and say hi from across the yard.

Everyone seemed to have the same idea for goody bags and even two weeks out from Halloween, our local stores were sold out. I found these cute bags on Amazon and the skeleton washi tape worked perfectly with them! The washi tape was a Michael’s find last year and I love it so much, I wish I would have bought a few of them back then.
Then we had our own treats around the fire pit, Halloween candy and gooey s’mores. We tried hard to make Halloween feel as normal as possible this year even with taking Covid precautions. The pumpkin arch was a project we always wanted to do, so we finally made time to bring it to life and we were thrilled with how it came out! My husband surprised us with the rows of pumpkins to line the walkway and that really added to the decor I think! We had assembly line pumpkin carving happening in the kitchen just before Halloween in order to get them all done in time, but not so early that they’d rot or become food for the wildlife before the big day (that part comes after – the pumpkins will go in our backyard compost bin, which I’m sure the deer and other creatures feast from!).
I’m glad we were still able to have a fun Halloween, but we definitely missed trick or treating and dinner with friends and look forward to getting back to our regular holidays next year!

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